• 8899000111, 01275-298777
  • info@wisdomvalley.in
  • Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Sr Sec Affiliation no. - 531662
  • Uniforms



    At WVGS, the school uniform seeks to create a sense of belonging amongst students, bringing them together through a shared dress code, bring comfort to the students, to maintain discipline in the school. The class wise categorisation of uniform is as follows:

        Summer Uniform Winter Uniform
    Class Gender Monday to Saturday Monday to Saturday
    Pre-primary to KG Boys Red t-shirt and green check shorts, red socks, school belt Woolen track suit, full sleeves red t-shirt, Red socks
      Girls Green check tunic and red socks Woolen track suit, full sleeves red t-shirt, Red socks
    I – III Boys Pale green shirt, green check shorts, pale green socks, school belt Woolen track suit, full sleeves red t-shirt, Red socks
      Girls Pale green shirt, green check skirt, pale green socks, school belt Woolen track suit, full sleeves red t-shirt, Red socks
    IV – VIII Boys Bottle green trouser, pale green shirt, pale green socks, school belt Gray Blazer, Gray sweater, Bottle green trouser, full sleeves pale green shirt, School Tie
      Girls Bottle green divider skirt, Pale green shirt, pale green socks, school belt Gray Blazer, Gray sweater, Bottle green divider skirt, full sleeves Pale green shirt. Black leggings below knee are allowed.

    Woolen track suit, full sleeves red t-shirt, Red socksWoolen track suit, full sleeves red t-shirt, Red socksIV – VIIIBoysGirlsBottle green trouser, pale green shirt, pale green socks, school beltBottle green trouser, pale green shirt, pale green socks, school beltGray Blazer, Gray sweater, Bottle green trouser, full sleeves pale green shirt, School TieGray Blazer, Gray sweater, Bottle green trouser, full sleeves pale green shirt, School Tie

    Note: Black Gola type shoes to be worn by all the students from Monday to Friday.

    General guidelines for uniform:

    • It is mandatory for all the students to wear their Identity card and come to school in complete and well maintained uniform on all working days and Parent teacher’s meetings also.
    • The length of skirt/divider skirt should be below knee level. Low waist trouser/skirt and unbuttoned shirts are not allowed.
    • Short haircut (should not touch the collar) for boys and neatly plaited hair for girls is emphasized. Girls with short hair must use a hair band to avoid falling of hair on the forehead. Hairstyles should not be bizarre or coloured.
    • Fingernails should be neatly cut and clean. Girls are not allowed to use nail paints.
    • Body piercing, tattoos, mehendi is not allowed.
    • Girls may wear small earrings but bangles, necklaces, chains and rings should not be worn. Use of cosmetic products is not allowed.
    • Accessories like clips, ribbons and bands must only be in subtle/dull shade of green color.
    • Students upto Grade V are allowed to wear casual attire on their birthdays.
    • Students not wearing complete uniform will be considered as defaulters. Parents will be asked to pick up their ward from school if problem persists despite repeated warnings/counseling.