Safety of students is of paramount significance to us. Our safety standards are generally in compliance with safety guidelines issued by statutory bodies. The entire building structure is earthquake resistant and is equipped with the latest firefighting equipments in compliance with fire safety norms. There is a 24×7 Building Management System installed on the ground floor with adequate number of high end Internet Protocol (IP) based CCTV cameras and public address system installed at all important locations. The campus is manned by efficient Security Guards throughout the year who only permit authorized access into the campus. Following are some of the safety measures taken by the school:
- Entry/exit of all persons in the school is logged clearly with their in and out times specified, so that at any point, there is a clear record of both insiders and outsiders present on the premises.
- School perimeter is secured to control access to the premises and there is only one entry/exit point to the premises which is manned 24X7 by security guards.
- High end technology, Internet protocol (IP) based CCTV Cameras covers all critical areas of the premises including entry and exit points of the school, all classrooms, all corridors and staircases, library, infirmary, auditorium, sports rooms, shooting range, computer labs, entrance to classrooms, entrance to toilets, sports fields, swimming pool, areas where buses assemble etc.
- Measures have been adopted to reduce physical hazards that risk safety of children like fire extinguishing equipments, safe drinking water (RO water), periodic cleaning of tanks, proper electrical wiring, covered electrical panels, mock drill for natural calamities, accessible and wide entry/exits, open space for quick evacuation etc.
- Recruitment of staff is done with proper police verification
- Identity cards are mandatory for drivers, aaya, security guard and other contractual staff inside school premises.
- Identity cards for students and Escort Id card for parents are mandatory.
- Visitor pass is mandatory for general visitors and parents.
- School buses are equipped with GPS and CCTV cameras.
- Updated student data record is maintained regularly.
- Sessions are conducted for creating awareness of bullying, other forms of physical or sexual abuse like Good touch bad touch, stranger safety, yell run & tell, internet safety, road safety, food safety etc.
- Feedback mechanisms are implemented like concept of Buddy (Dost or Saathi) to share any incidence of bullying or harassment.
Guidelines for Identity cards and Visitor pass
Student Identity Card
Entry and exit of students is governed by school ID-Cards. Student Identity Card is worn by the students in the school campus and during daily commute from home to school and vice versa. Students and parents are requested to take good care of these cards as these cards are an important part of the school security system. Students are issued ID cards from the school only. The loss of a card should be reported immediately through an application with reasons to the school administration. A new card will be issued and Rs. 100/- per loss will be charged.
Escort ID Card
An Escort ID card is issued for parents/guardian of each student by the School. An Escort ID card authorizes maximum four people (including father and mother) with photographs affixed on the card. It should be produced/displayed to school authorities as and when required. The place, person and purpose for display of Escort Id card is as follows:
Visitor pass
All visitors including parents/guardian need to register themselves at school main gate and a Visitor pass will be issued which is mandatory to be worn at all times inside school premises. The card shall be returned back at the time of exit. In case of loss of a visitor pass, parents/visitors will be charged Rs. 50/- per loss. The safety instructions written on the visitor pass must be read carefully.
- Parents/Guardian shall carry Escort Id card at all times for school visit and for school transport. Entry into school can be denied, if Escort ID card is not produced.
- Loss of Escort Id pass must be reported to the school office immediately. A new card will be issued and Rs. 50/- per loss will be charged.
- School Guard/Bus staff follows the instructions issued by school for safety of school children. Parents are requested not to misbehave and pass derogatory remarks which may instigate them. Disciplinary action may be taken for inappropriate behavior by parents.
Guidelines for parents to ensure child safety
Parents must understand their important roles and policy matters related to child safety, with the objective that parents and the school can jointly facilitate safety of children by partnering to convey the same messages to the child so there is no confusion in the child’s mind. The guidelines related to child safety are as follows:
- Adherence to school systems/policies: Parents must comply with rules for entry/exit/identity cards/Escort Id card/pick-up/absentee intimation, etc. Parents are expected to teach and encourage children to follow school guidelines and parents shall also adhere to school norms and policies which are developed for the betterment of all the stakeholders and safety of school children.
- Communication with children: Parent to have a conversation with their children on specific aspects of safety, especially:
- Stranger safety (specific advice to the child that s/he must report any case where a stranger tried to entice him/her with him even if s/he did not go); good touch–bad touch (also safe-unsafe touch) and emphasizing how important it is for the child to report incidents that make him/her uncomfortable in order that the problem is solved and does not recur.
- Internet safety and importance of not disclosing personal details to internet strangers, who could in fact be predators living in the area and using a false identity; encouraging them to share any such contacts they are uncomfortable with so the parent can guide them make sensible decisions.
- Telling the child that they must not feel afraid to come to the parent if something is troubling them, and reassuring them that they would not get a scolding but can be sure of help from the parent to solve the problem and having such a conversation at the very earliest.
- Communication avenues: Parents could use the opportunity of discussing with their children incidents reported in newspapers from time to time in an open manner, with a view to making children comfortable to bring up such topic in discussions (e.g. case of little girl molested by guard in condominium lift). The focus of these discussions should be what constitutes bad touch, what could have prevented such a situation, what would you do in such a situation, etc.
- Behavior indicators: Parents should be aware of behavior indicators that traumatized children sworn to secrecy by the abuser may demonstrate. They must approach a doctor/counselor immediately if their child displays any of the following signs, such as:
- Extremely withdrawn behavior, not wishing to engage and speak as s/he usually does
- Not wishing to go to school (or venue where the abuse has taken place such as bus, tuition, etc.) by feigning illness
- Visible distress after having returned from the specific trouble spot where the abuse is taking place (be it school/tuition/coaching etc.)
- Displaying symptoms of pain or more likely trying to hide pain, especially while bathing, sitting, walking.