• 8899000111, 01275-298777
  • info@wisdomvalley.in
  • Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Sr Sec Affiliation no. - 531662
  • Role of Parents

    Role of Parents

    Role of Parents

    We believe that parents are partners in the growth and development of their children. The communication between school and parents is vital to bring desired results out of children. All the children in the school are actively encouraged to take work home and develop a habit of self-study. You can help your child by showing an interest in the work they do and understand their needs and concerns, providing a quiet area for your child to work in, balanced diet, nutrition, adequate rest, sharing a book, helping them to learn spellings, helping them to learn their tables and number facts, taking them out to educational trips with family, encouraging them to find information for their work at school.

    Overall, it is key that parents trust Wisdom Valley’s approach and philosophy. We welcome parents who actively encourage the school, its teachers and their child in the journey of learning. Here are a few guidelines for our parent community:

    Parent-Teachers Meetings

    We conduct parent-teacher meeting at least once in two months. However, in case of emergencies or urgent work, parents are allowed to meet the teachers only after obtaining prior permission and appointment during visiting hours only.


    Student attendance on all school working days is extremely important. The school does not entertain leave for reasons such as vacation, weddings, festivals, celebrations etc. Leave will be granted only in illness. 90% attendance is mandatory for a child.


    As a policy, we discourage external tuition for all our students since it clutters the mind of young children to learn concepts from two different teachers.


    Schedule for the school fee payment needs to be adhered to. Late fee could invite a penalty, including discontinuation in severe cases.

    Verify Information

    It has come to our notice that some parents are part of online communities over platforms such as Whatsapp & Facebook etc. wherein many sensitive issues about children and teachers are openly discussed. We strongly discourage such communities wherein the intention of Wisdom Valley’s collaborative and open culture is negated. Sometimes, one or two members of these groups spread panic based on false information causing disruption to our students. We request our parents to verify with us immediately, in case of such information.

    Anti-bullying policy

    Bullying is a willful, conscious desire to hurt or frighten someone. This can be physical or verbal and includes hitting, name calling, teasing, ostracising, as well as racial and sexual harassment. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and the school and the community have a responsibility to respond to it. Parents should inform the school when a bullying incident is reported by your child and discourage your child to involve in any act of bullying.

    Keep us informed

    We expect parents to keep the school updated on any changes in the child’s record, behavior and health. Kindly reach out to us on email at the school email address or in person for any issues.

    Holding session by parents

    If you have a special skill, why not share it with our children for their learning. It is expected that parents are responsive and willing to do it happily for the betterment of children.

    Adherence to school systems/policies

    Parents must comply with rules for entry/exit/identity cards/pick-up/absentee intimation, etc. Parents are expected to teach and encourage children to follow school guidelines and parents shall also adhere to school norms and policies which are developed for the betterment of all the stakeholders and safety of our school children.

    Children and Technology

    We constantly monitor children’s use of systems and devices within school premises. Back home, parents are required to monitor children’s usage of technology and enable safe internet surfing by using content filtering software, parental controls on Google Chrome/MAC/Windows and permit only kid friendly search engines.

    Never criticize the teacher in the presence of your ward. Unhealthy criticism at home will undo what we are trying to build up in the school and thus hinder you child’s development. You are requested to meet the principal only regarding any matter concerning teachers.

    We welcome your help, both in and out of school, in the classroom, at school functions, on school visits and with work sent home. Please contact the class teacher or Head of the school. We hold various events and celebrations throughout the year to which we invite parents. Our newsletter will keep you informed about what’s going on.