• 8899000111, 01275-298777
  • info@wisdomvalley.in
  • Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Sr Sec Affiliation no. - 531662
  • School timings

    School timings

    School timings


    The academic session at WVGS begins in the month of April. The school follows same timings during winters and summers from Monday to Saturday:

    Grade/Class Timings Recess duration
    Pre-Nursery to K.G. 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 11:20 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.
    Grade I to VIII 08:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. 11:20 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.


    Activity Day

    The working Saturdays are reserved for activity days from Grade I to Grade VIII. The objective of activity day is to develop a wide variety of skills in the students. These days are dedicated to Co-curricular activities, clubs, remedial classes, inter-house competitions, industry visits, excursions, workshops, seminars and other beyond academic activities, which help our students to engage into experiential learning. The school gives an opportunity to the students to opt for their choice of club from grade I till grade VIII. The school invites resource persons/industry experts from outside, who act as guides/mentors/facilitators to these students. Students interact with these people who specially come to deliver expert talks and connect students to the real world outside.

    Attendance Policy


    1. All students should reach school before the bell rings after which the school gates will be closed and entry will not be permitted. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who are habitually late.
    2. 90% attendance is compulsory for promotion to the next grade below which promotion will be granted only after discussion with the Principal.
    3. No child will be allowed to leave the school before time unless there is some emergency. Request for taking the child early shall not be entertained in general.
    4. Please abstain from taking half day or short leave for your ward.
    5. Absence from school for merely social functions or appointments with doctors/dentists etc. during school hours is strongly discouraged.
    6. It is compulsory for a student who is absent for a day to bring a leave application addressed to the Principal signed by the student’s parent/guardian. If the absence is due to long illness/contagious disease, a doctor’s fitness certificate is essential in addition to the leave application.
    7. In case the child is not well kindly keep the child at home and communicate about the leave to the class teacher and transport in-charge. The school will take a strict action in case child with fever or any other contagious disease is sent to school.
    8. Students suffering from diseases such as chicken pox, mumps and jaundice must observe the prescribed quarantine period as follows:
    9. Chicken Pox- till the scabs fall completely (minimum 21 days)
    10. Mumps-until the swelling has gone (about one month)
    11. Jaundice-six weeks
    12. No attendance would be given to a student during period of suspension.
    13. The parents must verify telephonically at the school reception incase their ward avails leave and reports that no teaching is going on in school.