• 8899000111, 01275-298777
  • info@wisdomvalley.in
  • Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Sr Sec Affiliation no. - 531662
  • Activity Studio

    Activity Studio

    Activity Studio

    We understand the importance of the arts education and concentrate our possible energies and resources towards nurturing artistic capabilities and creating cultural and artistic awareness amongst the students of the vast and varied cultural inheritance we have. The arts in India are living examples of the country’s secular fabric and cultural diversity. They include a variety of folk and classical forms of music and dance, theatre, puppetry, clay work, visual arts, and crafts from every region of India.

    Learning any of these arts would enrich the lives of our young citizens, not only in their school years but also throughout their lives. We have built following spacious activity studios to learn various art forms:

    Art & Craft

    Art & Craft allows loosing the imagination of children and gives them the freedom to explore and express themselves. A trained art teacher supported by well sourced and quality supplies ensures that there are no bounds to the child’s creativity. Activities like clay modeling, painting, drawing, coloring, cutting, joining and gluing things together to form a new object improve motor coordination in children and inculcates perseverance in them.

    Dance& Music

    Dance & Music are integral to the curriculum developed by the school. There are two separate dance and music room. The trained dance teacher and music teacher guides the children through the nuances of dance and music. The place is well-furnished with keyboards, drums, harmonica, guitars and state of the art music system.

    Drama & Theatre

    Theatre is exploration of self in relation to others; the development of understanding of the self, and of critical empathy, not only for humans but also towards the natural, physical and social worlds, theatre is a medium par excellence. Drama &Theatre; aims to learn channels for creative dramatic work through original productions and alternative forms of theatrical expressions such as dance, mime, etc. We are in the process of providing best resources for the same.