• 8899000111, 01275-298777
  • info@wisdomvalley.in
  • Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Sr Sec Affiliation no. - 531662
  • Remedial Program

    Remedial Program

    Remedial Program

    Remedial Teaching is identifying slow learners and giving them the necessary guidance to help them overcome their problems, after identifying their areas of difficulty. At Wisdom Valley, we work closely with students who are struggling to meet expectations to ensure that they don’t lag behind because every child is unique. For improving performance of a child, balanced curriculum, instruction and effective assessment needs to be addressed. We prioritize depth of knowledge over breadth of knowledge, offering alternatives to tracking and grouping, providing students with real life connections to the material they are learning.

    Teachers assess students before, during and at the culmination of units of study, as well as at intervals throughout the year. The remedial program includes extra classes for detailed understanding, concepts reinforcement via different learning techniques, counsel students to understand them, their learning pattern and to overcome their weaknesses.

    The mentor mentee program is designed to focus on a group of students and the mentor keeps track of the academic and extracurricular performance of each group assigned to a mentor. The mentor inturn analyzes the results to hone their skills they are good at and work upon grey areas to maximize the results.

    Parents have to play an important role in uplifting confidence and boosting morale of their children. They need to harmonize the environment at home by maintaining good relationships with all the family members, relatives, neighbors and their community. Intimidating children to work hard, score good marks and achieve good performance is discouraged since it instills a fear of performance and kills curiosity and creativity. We request our parents to have faith in their children and make them understand importance of education and learning with love and affection.