• 8899000111, 01275-298777
  • info@wisdomvalley.in
  • Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Sr Sec Affiliation no. - 531662
  • Learning Culture

    Learning Culture

    Learning Culture

    At Wisdom Valley, we adopt a learning culture that fulfills the following basic purposes of education:



    Education should enable students to become economically responsible and independent.


    Education should enable students to understand and appreciate their own cultures and to respect the diversity of others.


    Education should enable young people to become active and compassionate citizens


    Education should enable young people to engage with the world within them as well as the world around them.

    8 Core Competencies (8Cs)


    The ability to ask questions and explore how the world works. It is desire to explore, to test, to see what happens, to question how things work, and to wonder why and ask, what if?


    The ability to generate new ideas that have value and apply them in practice. Creativity is putting your imagination to work; Innovation is putting new ideas into practice.


    The ability to analyze information and ideas and to form reasoned arguments and judgments.


    The ability to express thoughts and feelings clearly and confidently in a range of media and forms.


    The ability to work constructively with others. Enabling young people to work together can enhance self esteem, stimulate curiosity, heighten creativity, raise achievement and foster positive social behavior.


    The ability to empathize with others and to act accordingly. It begins by recognizing in ourselves the emotions that others are feeling and how we would feel in the same circumstances.


    The ability to connect with the inner life of feeling and develop a sense of personal harmony and balance.


    The ability to engage constructively with society and to participate in the processes that sustain it. It is essential that young people leave school knowing how society works and in particular how the legal, economic, and political systems operate and affect them.

    We put our best efforts to evolve these competencies from beginning of students’ education. These competencies should be practiced and refined throughout their lives with increasing confidence and sophistication. Students who leave school feeling confident in these eight areas will be well equipped to engage in the economic, cultural, social and personal challenges that they will inevitably face in their lives.