• 8899000111, 01275-298777
  • info@wisdomvalley.in
  • Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Sr Sec Affiliation no. - 531662
  • Other Policies

    Other Policies

    Other Policies


    WVGS provides basic medical facilities to the students in case of need. Regular health check-ups are organized by professionally qualified doctors. Various workshops on health awareness for the faculty members and students are held in the school premises.

    The parents/students must understand the following guidelines:

    1. A history of illness of the child must be filled up in the medical history/consent form.
    2. The class teacher and school administration should be regularly notified about any specific ailment the child is suffering from including but not limited to Diabetes, Asthma, severe allergic reactions and epilepsy etc. Parents should also inform precautions to be taken by school staff while child is at school.
    3. If the child is found ill or gets injured in the school, parents/guardians would be contacted by the school office to take their child with them.
    4. A student suffering from contagious disease should not be sent to school till he/she fully recovers from it. Strict action may be taken in this case. Students suffering from diseases such as chicken pox, mumps and jaundice must observe the prescribed quarantine period as follows:
    5. Chicken Pox- till the scabs fall completely (minimum 21 days)
    6. Mumps-until the swelling has gone (about one month)
    7. Jaundice-six weeks
    8. The school is authorized to administer basic first aid once the student injury comes into the notice of the school.
    9. Where the injury is an emergency an ambulance will be called following which the parent will be called.
    10. Where hospital treatment is required but it is not an emergency, then the school administration will contact the parents for them to take over responsibility for the child.
    11. If the parents can’t be contacted then the School may decide to transport the child to hospital.


    1. If your child fails to appear in any exam due to any reason, he or she will be awarded zero for that exam.
    2. A student who uses unfair means during tests will be given zero in the subject. Repetition of the same will result in disciplinary action.
    3. Students should appear for exam atleast 15 minutes prior to exam time.
    4. Students must carry their own examination board, stationery etc. Exchange of stationery etc. is not permissible during exam.

    Information and communication technology

    Students are encouraged to make the best use of technological facilities provided by the school for educational purposes. All students and their parents need to sign an undertaking stating that students will use the desktops responsibly and according to the cyber laws framed by the Government of India which implies that:

    1. Students should not attempt to enter any areas of the system, or interfere with any of the areas of the system without prior authorisation. Students must not attempt to deliberately hack into the School or any network. This is a serious offence and may result in criminal charges.
    2. Students understand that they can only access sites relevant to educational work in school and that they are not permitted to access or look at sites containing inappropriate material (which includes pornography, sexually explicit, racist or discriminatory material).
    3. Students should not bring any form of material for use on computers that is unsuitable or objectionable according to the school.
    4. Students need to be aware that copying and pasting text into a assignment is plagiarism and is a breach of copyright laws. Any text quoted must be acknowledged correctly.
    5. Students must be careful to read copyright restrictions on websites and abide by these restrictions.


    1. Students should maintain ‘Total Silence” in the library and its vicinity.
    2. Only notebooks, paper and pencil/pen may be brought inside the library along with the library books which are due for return.
    3. Books will be issued for a week’s time. They must be returned on the due date stamped. Only the books for which there is no immediate demand will be reissued.
    4. Students are responsible for books that they have got issued on their name. Any damage to the books should be pointed out at the time of issue.
    5. If a book is torn or lost it has to be replaced by a new one or the market price of the same will have to be paid. There will be a penalty for scribbling in the book or furniture.
    6. The permissible upper limit of the number of books that can be borrowed by a student varies for different grades.
    7. The books in the library are issued to the students from grade 3 onwards to grade 10.
    8. All members must check every book before borrowing. They will be held responsible for any damage done to the book on return. Students will be required to pay the cost of the book, in the case of loss.
    9. Students should not exchange their library books with others. In the case of loss, the original borrower will be held accountable.
    10. All teachers and students should return their books to the library by March 15 before the closure of the academic session

    Educational Trips

    1. Participation in educational visits is subject to excellent behaviour and the invitation to take part in these visits may be withdrawn if:
      • Behavior falls below the expected standard which is assessed by incident slips/white card etc. of student.
      • Health and safety of participant(s) is threatened
      • The head of school, in consultation with the class teachers feels withdrawal of the invitation would incentivize the child to improve their behavior.
    2. The educational visits and activities are conducted on chargeable basis depending upon the scale of expenditure to be incurred. The same will be intimated to parents via almanac with teacher’s signature. Parents shall deposit the same well in advance.
    3. Parents will be asked to give written permission for their children to participate in any offsite day visits at beginning of session and parents should sign an undertaking and notice issued by school via almanac. If permission is not received then the child will not be able to participate.
    4. Risk assessments should be drawn up to include children with medical needs; this may involve undertaking by parents or else parent(s) may be asked to accompany the child.
    5. For an educational visit, transport is provided to and from the school. Parents shall be responsible for pick and drop.


    Sports are played at WVGS for enjoyment, relaxation and exercise. Friendly competition is regarded as a positive aid to students’ educational development and to the formation of their sense of self-worth. Every student and every member of staff who appears in a sports competition is an ambassador for the school. Players or participants should:

    • Be on time
    • Dress appropriately and tidily
    • Greet opponents in a friendly manner before a competition and thank both the opponents and the umpire/referee afterwards
    • Play team sports in a team spirit and to the best of their ability
    • Encourage team mates
    • Allow the Captain to represent the team
    • Win or lose in a sporting manner
    • never query the referee’s decision even if he may be proved wrong
    • never display temper or other negative emotion

    Lost and found

    The lost and found policy and procedures have been devised to handle lost and found articles. By lost property, we mean, any unattended, abandoned, misplaced, or forgotten item – which is found within/inside the premises/boundaries of the School.

    Key Points:

    1. Students are encouraged to write/print their names on all personal belongings such as lunch boxes, digital devices, pencil/pen pouches, compass boxes, water bottles etc.
    2. Lost items will be kept in the “Lost and Found” area.
    3. Students may check the lost and found area for any missing items. Parents may also check for missing items in the lost and found area but with prior appointment.
    4. Any cash, jewelry found will be submitted to the Office of Administration which can be retrieved on providing supporting evidence.
    5. Unclaimed items will be handed over to the Office of Administration at the end of every month.

    Procedure related to Unclaimed Articles:

    All lost Items received are held for a period of 60 (sixty) days. They are entered into the School’s Lost and Found Log with a brief description of the item and the date and location of where it was found. Thereafter, the following procedure will pertain to unclaimed articles:

    1. Clothing and books shall be donated to a charitable institution;
    2. Miscellaneous Items shall be donated or discarded as determined by the School administration office.
    3. If a member or student of Wisdom Valley has lost an item, they are asked to contact the Facilities Department in order to enter their lost article in the School’s Lost and Found Log.